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Insurance Blog

Will My Health Insurance Cover Special Procedures?

Will My Health Insurance Cover Special Procedures?

Navigating health insurance coverage can seem like deciphering a foreign language, particularly when it involves special procedures. If you need a procedure that is not considered standard medical practice or within the scope of routine care by the health insurance industry, it is essential to understand how your health plan comes into play to be prepared and avoid surprises.  What Qualifies as a Special Procedure?...

Helping Your Home Recover from Winter

Helping Your Home Recover from Winter

There’s a sense of deep pride that comes with being a homeowner. But with that satisfaction comes its share of weekend home improvement projects and upkeep, too. Winter is usually rough on your home. Once snow, ice, wind, and freezing temperatures calm down, spring is a good time to check how your home withstood the season. Spring Home Maintenance Checklist Have your roof inspected. This is...

What Women Should Know About Life Insurance

What Women Should Know About Life Insurance

According to a recent study, not only is there a gender wage gap, but also a gender gap in life insurance coverage. Significantly fewer women than men have life insurance policies. Life insurance is a critical tool for financial planning and protecting your loved ones. Women are a vital part of the economy and are crucial to their families’ economic security. Nevertheless, many women overlook...

Common Medicare Myths Debunked

Common Medicare Myths Debunked

As one of the most vital health programs in the U.S., Medicare serves older adults and individuals with specific disabilities. In September 2024, Medicare enrollment totaled 68 million, as reported by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). For many individuals, Medicare is a subject that can inspire confusion. It is surrounded by myths and misconceptions that could lead to missed opportunities for coverage...

7 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Career

7 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Career

Spring isn’t just about decluttering your home, it’s also the perfect time to think about refreshing your career. Does your current role align with your career aspirations? If it feels like you’ve gotten a little off course, here are seven quick and easy ways to help tidy up your professional life and set yourself up for success. 1. Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile Give...